
Geoterra invests in the GeoSLAM REVO & REVO CAM to extend mobile mapping capability

We are pleased to announce that Geoterra has launched a new Indoor Mobile Mapping service by investing in the GeoSLAM ZEB-REVO and ZEB-CAM hand-held mobile mapping system.

Designed to be carried by a single operative, the GeoSLAM ZEB-REVO is a sophisticated hand-held laser scanning system used to capture survey data by simply walking around or via remote operation for dangerous environments.

The ZEB-REVO 3D laser scanning system has the capability of capturing 43,000 measurement points per second. When installed with the ZEB-CAM, it can also provide synchronised conceptual imagery with survey data.

This highly versatile mobile mapping system can be used across multiple platforms, enabling areas to be mapped by walking, driving, suspending vertically or flying.

The ZEB-REVO and ZEB-CAM systems are ideal for surveying indoor and outdoor multi-level three-dimensional environments from measured building surveys of building exteriors and interiors, to the mapping of underground mines and caves.

We have already put the system to the test having recently used it to carry out several mine, cave and deep shaft surveys. Our clients have been impressed with the quality of the survey data, and the speed in which we were able to deploy our surveyor to site and carry out the survey in a challenging environment.

For more information about our mobile mapping service using the GeoSLAM ZEB-REVO and ZEB-CAM, visit our indoor mobile mapping services page, or call us on Tel: +44 (0)1606 659019 to get a quote.